The Falling Rock Cafe and Bookstore is celebrating 15 years! My heart beats with this café and is full of the joy you all bring me every time you walk in the door! You are from all over and you are from right here. You are passing through, you live here, you are visiting. You bring me news of your families, you talk of the old days, we discuss the upcoming blizzard, or anticipate together the first signs of spring. We laugh together, you thank me for being here, and I thank YOU for being here!
The Falling Rock Café opened our doors in May of 2003. As you all know, we have changed and evolved over the years, yet we are still the same. We love staying consistent with our hospitality, but we love moving tables around, taking some stuff away, and adding other stuff! It keeps things fresh and new and exciting. You keep us up to date, too. You change us, you improve us, you keep us here by being here and loving us!
Visitors to the Upper Peninsula often ask us, “What does 906 mean?” when they see these three numbers printed on magnets, postcards and jewelry. You are curious about this group of people called Yoopers, and—even though I was not born here—I proudly tell you about these kind, hearty, independent people and the winter wonderland they call home.
“We love your café! You’re living our dream,” you exclaim. “I have always wanted to live in a small town and open a little shop,” you say dreamily. I can list the numbers of coffees poured, ice creams scooped, and tomatoes sliced. I can show you the scrapbook of musicians who have entertained us. I can show you the recipes, bookmarks, dollar bills, and obituaries found in old books. I can direct you to our Instagram page and show you the places our local art comes from and whose living rooms it ends up in. But how can I share how you have all won my heart?
Locals and regulars, I can try to reminisce with you about the best 4th of July fireworks show there is, the caves of ice, the blue waters of our big lake, the lazy days paddling on inland lakes and rivers and the endless days of shoveling driveways, but you already know!
Every day is different. Every day is the same. I have loved EVERY day of this café for 15 years. And I love you all for being here and showing me what community is all about. You are authors, artists, and musicians who bring the magic of the U.P. alive through your art.
The Falling Rock Café and Bookstore will start our week of celebrating our 15th Anniversary with an all day musical extravaganza and fundraiser for Trillium Hospice House.
Every Wednesday evening the Old Time Music Jam gets together at the café to play music. This time, they get their own time slot to perform! All proceeds from the day will go to support Trillium House, the new hospice center in Marquette.
Earlier in the day, from 12:30-2:30, a local ukulele group will be entertaining us, then from 3:00-5:00 pm the musicians from the Open Acoustic Jam group will perform before the Old Time Music Jam at 7:00 pm. It is an all day musical extravaganza!
SUGGESTED DONATION FOR SATURDAY CONCERTS: $5 Adults, $1 children, and $20 Family
May 17, 2018 in Cafe & Bookstore, News & Events and tagged 15th anniversary, 906 life, cafe, coffee shop, falling rock cafe and bookstore, fundraiser, live music, local art, made in michigan, marquette, michigan, munising, old time music jam, open acoustic jam, trillium house, upper peninsula, yooper.