In the News

MI Gluten Free Gal

Falling Rock Café and Bookstore,  08/05/2019

The Falling Rock is delighted to be featured on MI Gluten Free Gal – Celiac Disease Resource, a gluten-free blog written and run by native Michigander Margaret Clegg that provides support and resources for those of us with gluten-related illnesses and allergies. Thank you, Margaret!

The Mining Journal

Still standing: Independent bookstores offer communities more than books,  07/17/2019

In the age of internet retailers, independently-owned, brick-and-mortar bookstores such as Snowbound Books in Marquette and Falling Rock Cafe and Bookstore in Munising are still standing and providing area residents and visitors with more than inventory.

Midwest Living Magazine

Dream Getaway Sweepstakes,  01/29/2019

Midwest Living Magazine is offering a dream vacation in one of seven amazing locations in their Dream Getaway Sweepstakes—one of which happens to be Munising! Midwest Living Magazine states, “The Upper Peninsula of Michigan is an amazing wilderness resource and a great home base for seeing the U.P. While there and finishing your day outside, head to Falling Rock Café and Bookstore where thousands of books line the walls and you can eat local specialties like smoked whitefish.”


Bibliophiles Take Heed: Here are America’s 50 Favorite Bookstores,  10/30/2018

The Falling Rock is honored to be featured as the 6th Best Bookstore in the Nation! To break it down, Hoodline crunched the numbers to find the top 50 book sellers around the country, using Yelp data and their own special sauce to produce a data-driven list of the top places for book lovers across the U.S. Topping the list is Powell’s City of Books in Portland, Oregon with Minneapolis’ Wild Rumpus coming in second, and Strand Bookstore in New York City as number 3. We are surprised and delighted about being considered in the same realm as these well-known indie bookstores in urban metro areas. Thank you to our community and customers for your recommendations, support and reviews!

Detroit Free Press

24 Great Places to Eat Breakfast in Michigan,  08/10/2018

Unlike a typical breakfast spot, the Falling Rock Café and Bookstore offers an atmosphere like no other. It welcomes local artists and readers to embrace their creativity and offers customers the chance to grab a book or a breakfast burrito. Michigan Local News

Cozy UP Coffee Shop for Sale Near Pictured Rocks,  08/03/2018

Big news for us at the Falling Rock Café and Bookstore: Munising’s Living Room is for sale! This article by Emily Bingham features real estate details of the listing and an interview with owners Jeff & Nancy where they discuss their future aspirations for the business and its important relationships within the community. Photography courtesy of North Coast Post.

Traverse Magazine &

4 Awesome Places to Camp in Northern Michigan,  05/21/2018

Thank you to author Heather Johnson Durocher for the feature in the May 2018 issue of Traverse Magazine. The Falling Rock Café and Bookstore was mentioned as Munising’s home to thousands of reads, free wireless, homemade food with vegan and gluten-free options, coffee and tea, and ice cream!

Gradual Clearing: Weather Reports from the Heart

Interlochen Public Radio Essays by Karen Anderson,  05/04/2018

karen anderson gradual clearing weather reports from the heart interlochen public radio essaysAfter sharing a weekly essay on Interlochen Public Radio, WIAA, Interlochen, Michigan since 2005, Karen Anderson has collected 120 essays into an illustrated volume, “Gradual Clearing: Weather Reports from the Heart,” which includes one about The Falling Rock and the music she heard while visiting our café. The short, poetic essays in her book feature pen-and-ink drawings by Joyce Koskenmaki, a nationally recognized artist from Michigan’s Upper Peninsula.

The Radio Diaries: Live Music segment that features the Falling Rock Café can be found on the Interlochen Public Radio website, and Karen Anderson’s book is available for purchase at the café and in our online bookstore!

Backpacker Magazine

Pictured Rocks National Lakeshore, Michigan,  09/01/2017

Thank you to author Michael A. Neiger for the feature in the September 2017 issue of Backpacker magazine! We were mentioned in the Apres section for our coffee, smoked whitefish and “super selection” of ice-cream to replenish lost calories. 🙂

Lifelong Michigander

Five of Michigan’s Great Independent Bookstores,  04/27/2017

We are delighted to be featured this month as one of five Great Independent Bookstores in Michigan in the Lifelong Michigander, a local blog written and run by native Michigander Jeff Burtka that spotlights Michiganders who are making a difference and everything that makes Michigan uniquely wonderful. Thank you, Jeff!

Interlochen Public Radio

Radio Diaries: Live Music,  11/07/2016

Here’s a segment on Interlochen Public Radio from Interlochen Center for the Arts near Traverse City. It’s about a small group of travelers to Munising who happened upon the Falling Rock Café and Bookstore after a 3-day camping trip. It was exactly what they needed!

Pure Michigan

Five of the Coolest Coffee Shops in Michigan,  06/22/2016

You may have heard of Michigan’s amazing craft beer scene, or its abundant wineries, but did you know that Michigan can also brew an amazing cup of coffee? More than that, the great coffee shops and roasters can be found in the most unexpected of places, all over the state — with the Falling Rock Cafe on Michigan’s official travel and tourism blog’s list of the state’s coolest craft coffee shops where you can relax, sip and caffeinate.

Travel & Leisure Magazine

11 Unexpected Beach Destinations: Northern Michigan,  06/01/2016

This feature originally appeared in Jet Setter Magazine. Their advice to readers visiting Munising and Pictured Rocks National Lakeshore? Pack the hiking boots with the bathing suits… And when hunger strikes, head to Falling Rock, a charming bookstore and cafe that serves smoothies and sandwiches!


Falling Rock Café Live Segment with TV6,  07/06/2015

Shortly after our highest grossing day of sales in our history, reporter Ashley Kirklen and her crew spent some time with us discussing the ins and outs of our operation. It was so much fun to have them and yes, live TV is quite the exciting experience!



Falling Rock Cafe Brewing Up Success,  05/22/2015

It’s a sound that’s gets your nostrils flaring and mouth watering, freshly brewed java. When in Munising, locals and visitors love falling into this hot spot, The Falling Rock Cafe.


The Star Tribune

Midwest Traveler: U.P.’s Pictured Rocks Brighten Winter,  03/06/2015

It seems like every Munising resident has a coffee mug hanging from a labeled hook at Falling Rock Cafe and Bookstore. Besides serving a wide variety of coffee drinks and tea, the cafe offers breakfast dishes plus soup, salads and sandwiches, including a smoked whitefish bagel and quinoa salad. Check out the attached bookstore with handcrafted gifts for sale before you go.


More Than Just Coffee,  04/11/2014

The Upper Peninsula is made up almost entirely of small cities, many of which depend on big businesses for employment opportunities. But small towns are also some of the best places to find small businesses that often times offer more to the community.


Pure Michigan

Calling All Trailblazers,  02/06/2014

Pure Michigan lists the Falling Rock Café and Bookstore as one of the cool things to see and do places to stay and good eats off the trail in Michigan’s Upper Peninsula! “Books old, new and out of print crowd the shelves of this Munising shop. Grab a mug of custom-roasted Great Lakes Coffee and browse through local jewelry, photography and other art. Enjoy live music on Wednesday and Saturday evenings.”

Abundant Community

Cup Mail,  07/14/2011

By simply creating space and providing basic hospitality, the Cafe has created  a spot for many groups and asset based networks to meet and plan activities and projects.  This has created connections across groups that otherwise would never have discovered their mutual interests.

Falling Rock Cafe and Bookstore