Tag: marquette

Falling Rock Cafe 15th Anniversary Celebration!

The Falling Rock Cafe and Bookstore is celebrating 15 years! My heart beats with this café and is full of the joy you all bring me every time you walk in the door! You are from all over and you … read more Falling Rock Cafe 15th Anniversary Celebration!

Author Dave Pagel Book Signing at Michigan Ice Fest

Author Dave Pagel is coming to Munising for a series of presentations and book signings during the Michigan Ice Fest at both the Falling Rock Cafe and Bookstore, as well as the Michigan Ice Fest headquarters!   Join Dave at … read more Author Dave Pagel Book Signing at Michigan Ice Fest

Brendan Leonard Book Signing

Brendan Leonard is coming to Munising for a series of presentations and book signings during the Michigan Ice Fest at both the Falling Rock Cafe and Bookstore, as well as the Michigan Ice Fest headquarters! Join Brendan as he shares … read more Brendan Leonard Book Signing

Ukulele Workshop at the Falling Rock, Sunday Feb. 19

The second annual Yooper Uke Week is coming to the Upper Peninsula of Michigan February 15–19, 2017. The event will kick off at the Ore Dock Brewing Company at 7pm for their February Warm Up Wednesday concert series, featuring Ben … read more Ukulele Workshop at the Falling Rock, Sunday Feb. 19

Live Music This Month at Falling Rock

Derrell Syria Friday, September 4, 7:00 p.m. Singer/songwriter Derrell Syria has a vocal range that spans traditional Scandinavian/Reggae melodies and Gospel-inspired modulation. He sings his songs in the form of reggae, blues, rock and funk, blending the melodies and rhythms … read more Live Music This Month at Falling Rock

Falling Rock Cafe & Bookstore